outreach programs
affirming, mission & Outreach committee
Information coming soon.
Food Bank Donations
Please continue to remember all who are in need in our community by bringing donations of non-perishable food items to church with you on Sundays. These will be brought to the Food
Banks that our congregation supports.
Where to place donations:
Place them in the wooden box underneath the wooden table at the entrance to the Sanctuary upstairs.
Thank you for your continued generosity.
~~ The Affirming, Mission & Outreach Committee ~~

Milk Bag Ministry
30 million milk bags kept out of landfills ...
50,000 mats to sleep on sent to disaster areas, third world countries and local homeless people.
MILKBAGSunlimited was launched by Angela Kesthely in Toronto, Ontario following the devastating Haitan Earthquake of 2010.
Milk bag mats can be used as mattresses or table covers for surgery use. The plastic outer shells of 4 litre milk bags don't disintegrate in landfills, while saving the planet from discarded, non-recyclable milk bags.
As well, by giving people the tools and the coaching, income opportunities are created: MILKBAGSunlimited is a source to micro-entrepreneurship.
Look how many milk bags you have kept out of the land-fill!
Thank you for your continued support of the Milk Bag Ministry.

They will be made into mats by a group at Stouffville United.

Learn more about MILKBAGSunlimited
by visiting their website at https://milkbagsunlimited.ca/

Pill Bottle Ministry
Don't throw your empty pill bottles away!

Unfortunately we are unable to collect used prescription bottles at this time due to complications in shipping.